Main Menu StringsArrays
s = "ABCdefghijklmnop"; ==> ABCdefghijklmnop
s.substring(3,7) ==> defg
s.slice(3,7) ==> defg
s.substr(3,7) ==> defghij
s.substring(3); s.substr(3) ==> defghijklmnop
s.charAt(5) ==> f /def/ ) ==> 3 /dfe/ ) ==> -1
s.match( /f[fgh]/g) ==> fg
s.replace(/[Bh][^em]*/g," XXX ") ==> A XXX efg XXX mnop
s.replace( /[d-i,l-n]/g, "" ) ==> ABCjkop
s.replace( /([dl-n])/g,"{$1}") ==> ABC{d}efghijk{l}{m}{n}op
s.charCodeAt(1) ==> 66
String.fromCharCode(66) ==> B
s.length ==> 16
s.split("efg") ==> ABCd,hijklmnop
s.split(/[cf]/i) ==> AB,de,ghijklmnop
s.toLowerCase() ==> abcdefghijklmnop
s.toUpperCase() ==> ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP
s.indexOf("f") ==> 5
s.lastIndexOf("f") ==> 5
isFinite(2/3) ==> true
isNaN(s) ==> true
Number(" 12.34") ==> 12.34
parseFloat(" 12.34") ==> 12.34
parseInt(" 12.34") ==> 12
"dprint ONLY:" ==> dprint ONLY:
"XX"+"XX".big() ==> XXXX
"XX"+"XX".bold() ==> XXXX
"XX"+"XX".fontcolor("red") ==> XXXX
"XX"+"XX".fontsize(5) ==> XXXX
"XX"+"XX".italics() ==> XXXX
"XX"+"XX".link() ==> XXXX
"XX"+"XX".small() ==> XXXX
"XX"+"XX".strike() ==> XXXX
"XX"+"XX".sub() ==> XXXX
"XX"+"XX".sup() ==> XXXX
MethodDescription call: array.method()
concat(str2,...)Joins two or more arrays, and returns a copy of the joined arrays
join([separator])Joins all elements of an array into a string
split(separator)convert string to array
pop()Removes the last element of an array, and returns that element
push(a,b,...)Adds new elements to the end of an array, and returns the new length
reverse()Reverses the order of the elements in an array
unshift(a,b,...)Adds new elements to the beginning of an array, and returns the new length
shift()Removes the first element of an array, and returns that element
slice()To copy an entire array
slice(start, [end])Selects a part of an array, and returns the new array
{return a-b})
Sorts the elements of an array
Removes/Adds elements from an array
toString()Converts an array to a string, and returns the result
t=s.match(/h../); v=t[0].length; NOT[0]) ;
u=s.replace(/h../,"|$&|") where:
$&=match string, $1=(match group), $`=pre-string $'=post-string
try {eval(s)} catch (err) {alert("error")}

Input: (drag function from list to input area)