Look at the code on this page.

It is the kind of code you should NEVER NEVER write.

<html><body><script type="text/javascript">
x=1; h=.0000001
a=x; b=a; c=2; m = ",  "; p='<br>'
while (Math.abs(b)>h)
{b*=-x*x/c++/c++; a+=b
 if (c>99) break }
document.write (p,c/2,m," a=",a,m," b=",b)
document.write(p,'sine(x)= '+Math.sin(x)) // how close is a to the Sine of x?

x=0; y=0; c=1; n=100000
while (c<n)
{x += 1/c; y += 1/(n-c++)}
document.write (p,x,m,y,m,x==y) // is x equal to y? why?

Can you figure out how you get this output from that code?