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Both of us were born in Austria shortly after the end of World War II. Our families had fled Hungary going west only hours in front of the Russian Armies who were coming in from the east. By 1950 it was clear that the Iron Curtain was going be around for a while, so our families left Austria and came to the United States of America to start a new life. Erika's family settled in Pittsburgh, Julius's in Cleveland. Both of us came to this country accompanied only by our immediate families and we felt very much alone.
This project started very simply as an effort to find everyone we are related to. We really weren't interested in searching through graveyards and old records for names of dead ancestors, we only wanted to build a data base of contemporary individuals to whom we were related by blood or by marriage. We were looking for relatives left behind in Hungary as well as for families in the States that our siblings had married into. Unlike genealogists who try to build family trees, we wanted to build a family forest. To our total amazement we had soon collected over two thousand names. Many of our newly discovered relatives gave us robust family trees going back hundreds of years and containing incredible numbers of aunts, uncles and cousins.
Originally we had intended to record the name of every person we could find who was related to us in any way whatsoever. Then Erika's brother-in-law, John Dayton CONDIT, showed us a book published in 1916 by Essex Press with the names of more than five thousand descendants of his ancestor, John CUNDITT, who came to America in 1678 from Normandy via England or Wales. We decided it didn't make any sense to add the whole book to our data base. Other than that, we've recorded every name we came across in the hope that we can continue to build on these relationships. Our biggest surprise came when we found two links to the same LOVASS family. One link was to a branch in Australia via Erika's mother and the other link was through Julius' sister-in-law Gabriella ORMAY.
We were so pleased with the treasure we found that we decided to share it with everyone by publishing our data in book form. We dedicate this book to all of our relatives in gratitude for their invaluable assistance without which we could never have gotten as far as we did. We apologize for any errors or omissions on our part.
Julius & Erika Nadas
Kedves Magyarországi Rokonaink -
Bár külföldön születtünk és ritkán járunk Magyarországon, szüleink onnan jöttek és ezért szeretnénk tartani veletek a kapcsolatot. Könyvünk fő célja, hogy gyerekeink is lássák honnan jöttünk és kik vagyunk. Meg szeretnénk köszönni azt a megfizethetetlen segítséget, ami nélkül nem jutottunk volna el eddig ezzel az adatgyőjtéssel. A hibákért és esetleges kihagyásokért elnézést kérünk, s kérjük küldjétek el a helyesbitést vagy kiegészíttést.
Munkánkat családerdőnek nevezzük, mert sok sok családfa van benne. A családfákat a következőképpen mutatjuk be. A családfőket alfabetikus sorrendben soroljuk fel. Mindegyik családfőt a családtagok felsorolása követi és az összes férfi további családjának felsorolása.
Dátumokat amerikai módra hónap/nap/év formában irtuk. Szülöhelyeket a "b" röviditéssel jelöltük. A "d" rövidíttést pedig az elhalálozás helyére használtuk. Minden személy nevét kockába tettük, s a kockákat megszámoztuk.
+--------------------------------------------+ Magyarázat:
(1) - SMITH Charles 1824 Julius 24-én született és 1898 Január 11-ig élt. 1854 Julius 24-én vette feleségül MAYNARD Lucy-t. Lucy adatai a 95. oldalon az (3). kockában találhatók. Ha a csillagokat követitek fáról fára, akkor visszataláltok hozzánk. Reméljük hogy majd egyszer mi is visszatalálunk hozzátok.
EGy (Erika és Gyuszi)
Family trees in this book are presented in a format that is slightly different from other genealogies. Like other genealogies we list the heads of family lines alphabetically followed by direct male line descendants and their families; however, our numbering and cross referencing scheme is different. Instead of assigning a sequential number to each person in a tree, this book uses the page and box number in which a person is listed as the reference number. Also, children are not listed immediately after their parents. They are connected to their parents by lines. Consequently, contemporary families are listed together, but families from prior generations may span several pages. Connecting lines that cross page boundaries are labeled with a relative generation number to facilitate matching them up.
Dates conform to the U.S. format of Month/Day/Year. Names are shown with the family name in upper case followed by a comma and the given name(s). The page number appears on the top of each page, while the box number is printed along the bottom edge of each box. Spouse's names are followed by their page and box number in brackets []. In each family tree we have used an asterisk (*) to identify individuals through whom that tree is related to us. If you follow the trail of asterisks from tree to tree, you will eventually trace your way to back to us.
+--------------------------------------------+ (1) - In this example Charles SMITH was born on July 24, 1824 and died in 1898. He married Lucy MAYNARD on July 24, 1854. Her personal data is listed on page 95 in box (3).
The appendix has a complete index of all family names. Good luck and happy hunting. We hope you also find what you're looking for.
¦SMITH, Charles Strong (7/24/1824-1/11/1898) ¦
¦==MAYNARD, Lucy 7/24/1854 [95-3] ¦
¦ +----------------------------------+
-+-¦SMITH, Lucy Maynard (1/23/1857- ) ¦
¦==LANDFEAR, Sarah 12/08/1869 [76-7] *¦
(2) - Egy gyerekük született 1857 ben, neve SMITH Lucy lett.
(3) - Charles második felesége LANDFEAR Sarah volt, adatai a 76. oldalon az (7). kockában találhatók.
A csillag azt jelzi hogy a Smith családdal Sarah-n keresztül vagyunk rokonságban.
¦SMITH, Charles Strong (7/24/1824-1/11/1898) ¦
¦==MAYNARD, Lucy 7/24/1854 [95-3] ¦
¦ +----------------------------------+
-+-¦SMITH, Lucy Maynard (1/23/1857- ) ¦
¦==LANDFEAR, Sarah 12/08/1869 [76-7] *¦
(2) - They had one child, Lucy SMITH, who was born in 1857.
(3) - Charles had a second wife, Sarah LANDFEAR. She is listed in box (7) on page 76. Sarah is the person through whom this tree is linked to us.