Nádas Gyula
Nádas Gyula
1905 - 2007

In Memoriam

We must be getting old. We had way too many deaths among family and friends this year. I hope this is not a sign of things to come. Erika’s mother died in January at age 97; Gyuszi’s father died in September at age 101. We’re hoping that 2008 will be less heavy.

Szesztay Erzsébet
Szesztay Erzsébet
1909 - 2007

Merry Christmas 2007 from the Nadas Family

The Empty Nesters
Tas graduation
Tas graduation
Case University
Krisztina's kids
Krisztina's children

Another year full of travels. Spring break we spent with Krisztina and family in Kingsland, Georgia (just north of the Florida border, near the Atlantic Ocean).

End of May and early June found us in the Maritime Provinces – New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. NB and NS are sparsely populated with lots of wild scenery. While there are farms, the overall impression is of wide open spaces. PEI, on the other hand, looks more European – carefully plotted out, with well manicured farms and less wild country – probably because it is an island and land is limited. The trip also included stops in several New England state capitols, and in Montreal.

In late June and early July we participated in Sportsmobile West’s “Olympiad” rally near Park City, Utah (103 degrees, no shade). There we drove obstacle courses, assembled a wheel hub, practiced winching, patched tires, participated in a GPS directed scavenger hunt, and had a tail-gate party, among other events.

Mid-July, we went separate ways: Gyuszi to the Upper peninsula of Michigan with the scouts, and then Fillmore, NY for the scout leadership training camp; Erika to Hungary (to lay her mother’s urn to rest in the family tomb). Hungary had record high temperatures (over 100 and up to 112 in daytime, and in the 90’s at night) with no air conditioning. Much of the sightseeing got cancelled due to heat-induced (and emotional) fatigue. It was good, however, to spend time with sister Zsuzsa, niece Shiba, and nephews Syrus and Michael. Upon returning to the states, Zsuzsa and Erika drove to San Diego via Minneapolis, the Dakotas, Montana, Idaho (with white-water rafting on the Snake river!), a bit of surprisingly non-green, desolate Oregon, Nevada, and south through California from Lake Tahoe. Whew! It was nice to get back to school.

After two whirlwind weekend trips to Cleveland for funerals, we thought we’d stay home for Thanksgiving. Oops, couldn’t quite do it – we had to show off Erika's hybrid Lexus SUV. We spent Thursday with Gyula and family in Wauconda, and Saturday in Springfield, IL seeing Scott’s parents and the new Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum. Pretty impressive. We end the year back in Georgia for Christmas.

Update on the Kids

Krisztina (Scott, Zoltán(8), Sándor(7), József(4), Réka(2)) moved into their lovely house in Kingsland, GA. Krisztina is home-schooling and taking kids to activities like gymnastics, soccer, and of course, racing. Scott has been to sea, but is very involved when he is home.

Gyula Family

Gyula aka Jay (Colleen, Peyton(10), Xander(4), Maddox(2), Draven – Born April 16). No news is good news. Kids are healthy and active, keeping Colleen very busy. Gyula is still with Walgreens corporate, and is a very involved father to his kids. He is finishing his basement in his spare time. He finds this kind of work also very satisfying.


Zsolt is still scoutmaster of the Hungarian troop (but starting to burn out!). His company was bought out, perhaps giving him more avenues for upward mobility. He has been working 60-100 hour work-weeks as a software developer. Hopefully, the powers above him notice and will compensate. Keeping up with his condo and other relationships has suffered, however. We see him at least once a week – so he gets one home-cooked meal.

Tas graduated from Case-Western Reserve. He works in clinical informatics for the Cleveland Clinic and has remained active with the Hungarian scouts there. We only see him occasionally, but he’s happy there.