
Merry Christmas 2003 From the Nadas Family

May 2003

Another year has come and gone – where does the time go!?

Sándor, Scott, Zoltán, Krisztina, JózsefKrisztina ( and Scott ( became parents for a third time on July 28: son #3, József Marinus.  Scott finished his tour of duty in Saratoga Springs Dec. 3, so moving was on the agenda again.  Krisztina and the boys lived with us for the month of November.  It was a very full and fulfilling time.  Zoltán is now 4 ˝ and Sándor is 3.  They are busy, active, and articulate in two languages.  Their mother is starting to home-school them, and Zoli is almost reading.  I hope she can retain her sanity through this experience.  Scott is starting his masters degree at the Navy post-graduate school in Monterey, CA. so he will be at home for the next two years.


Colleen, Peyton, Gyula and XanderGyula, aka Jay ( and Colleen also became parents to a son.  Xander Gyula was born April 9.  They spent the time before his birth moving into a lovely new home in Aurora – about 1 hour from us.  In June, Gyula became Dr. Gyula, with his Pharm.D. degree.  This was the well earned culmination of many years of work and study.  He is currently working for Walgreen’s at several different stores, and not always on the same shift.  This is what happens when you are the bottom man on the totem pole.  Colleen had some health problems which ended up in a full thyroidectomy, fortunately not cancerous.  Through it all she was upbeat and busily mothering her two children.  She is also looking at trying a home business making and decorating cakes, cookies, and candies, and catering parties.  Peyton started kindergarten this year and loves school.  She is enrolled in a Montessori program just a few blocks from home.  Since Gyula speaks Hungarian to Xander, Peyton and Colleen are also learning a bit. 

Zsolt and proud parents

Zsolt aka Styles ( graduated from University of Illinois School of Engineering with a BS in Computer Science.  He was already job-hunting starting in February, but it took until September for his first interview.  In a matter of weeks, he had not one, but two viable offers.  He chose the one in which he would use his programming skills rather than his business and “people” skills.  He works for a small software company called Spot Buy Spot, which develops custom software used for TV and Cable commercials’ scheduling.  He is the “back end” programmer who develops the algorithms, and has earned much respect from his colleagues.  He loves that!  He is living at home for now – and this is very good for both brothers – they are good buddies.


Tas and godson JozsiTas ( finished one year at Wright and is well into the third semester – and doing well.  He is also very well respected at his job – as a computer techie at school.  This summer was an incredibly full one, nearly all spent Hungarian Scouting.  He participated in two “troop camps”, he survived his assistant scoutmaster camp (and yes, it is an exercise in survival), and he went to Hungary on a scout leaders tour, where they saw the country on foot, on bicycle, and by canoe.  He came home fit, but exhausted!  He is still working on staying fit – and has become the biggest of the three boys.  He is now engaged in applying to four-year colleges.

The Harley Davidson Sportster

Erika ( and Gyuszi, aka Julius ( are still both teaching and it is still fun – so retirement is still not imminent.  The biggest news this year is that, since our youngest is out of high-school (GED), Gyuszi was freed from his restriction, and bought a Harley-Davidson sportster motorcycle.  He only had to wait 32 years for it.  He’s just like a little boy with a new toy – actually he’s a big boy with a new toy – very excited.  Erika has ridden with him as well – so she must be just a little crazy too.  As far a travels are concerned, we went to New Orleans in January, West Virginia in April, and Toronto in June.  The latter was in response to a newly discovered Nadas relative, with lots of family history for us.  More genealogy!

